So last night I was going through some of my old stuff and I came across a picture taken by a beast I used to date. I had actually forgotten his name for a hot minute. It took a while to remember.
Now when I use the word beast......... I mean it literally. He was short, stocky, smelly and way too muscular for his little frame. And to add to his monstrous profile, he had monster kind of attitude to go with it.
So in going to bed it may be likely that I was still subconsciously thinking about him because he came up in my nightmare.
In the dream, I was going out with him and we were going through some unnecessary problems and constantly fighting. (which was the reality of our entire relationship. Totally unnecessary!)
In anger I decided to lock him in his room, which is something I would do during drastic situations.
So I locked him in the house and went about my business of the day and when I returned......... my guy had not only broken down the house door with his monstrous entity, but he was jamming there eating gari and peanuts while a cross eyed Oyinbo chick fondled his balls! Please!! I myself am worried about this nonsense! The funny thing is, if this had actually happened in reality, I would not actually be surprised. Because this monster was fucked up like that! I mean what else do you expect from a Nigerian guy not to mention Yoruba!
So I entered the room and saw the monster and his new monsterling, and all I remember was insulting myself for sinking so low to this level. To the level that a fine babe like me will be dragging with one kind small cancerous anus that was threatening my life and happiness.
I began to laugh and turn around out of the house, when the oga now stood and said "This thing is over, you have finally pushed me into the arms of another woman and I am gone!"
At this point I started to laugh even more (something I do when in serious murder mode and about to hurt someone) and suddenly the Oyinbo Monsterling began to scream! As in... SCREAMMMMMM like something was beating her real bad and then she caught on fire! Now this is the sick part..... but the oga got turned on by her screaming and started to undress her as if she was about to Kpo (fuck) her right there in front of me. Again I was not phased as this is something he was kinda sick enough to do.
Luckily for me the Nightmare ended there as my housemate was banging on my door to wake me up. Lord knows if that dream had continued, I would have either entered coma or been mental scarred beyond repair.
In waking up, I began to pray and thank God for removing me from that situation. I knew this dude for like what, four months, and those where the WORST four months of my entire life. NO JOKE!!!!
From that experience I learnt that it is never good to get with someone just because your bored or feeling low in self esteem.
Never EVER think that being with an ugly guy will make you feel more special as we all would expect an ugly guy to worship the ground of any chick that looks at him.
If an ugly dude has the Nigerian Chromosome in his DNA, home girl... RUN!! Because them niggers still think they are the shit.
People change, no matter how nice they seem at first.
Back then I was constantly depressed but because I was so used to him being around despite the fact he was becoming very violent, I stupidly found it hard to severe ties with this Blood Clart.
I had formed a connection with the most detimental person alive at the wrongest time possible, thus leaving me vulnerable at times and at others, suicidal and very very homicidal. (I am ashamed to admit but I was that stressed)
Anyways life will take you down such dark alleys and thankfully I am in a a happier place. Maybe I mentally blocked him out to the point I forgot his name because of how annoyed that monster made me. (His name was Banji btw, I remembered after alooooooot of thought)
If something is not working out, mehhhn no dey stress! Just finish am!! At the same time, treasure those in your lives, who love you the right way. Treat them well and never be the cause of their pain
Love, Peace and Happy Watermelon seeds