Realise that you cannot expect to co-rule a man's kingdom if you have not mastered your own queendom yet.
This has to be the statement of the year for all women!
- Read it!
- Absorb it!
- Understand it!
- Implement it!
Ok!? Good!
You know when you ask a love sprung woman about her significant other half and she replies, “Omgosh! I have finally found happiness and peace like! he totally completes me! He makes me a better person like!” *Annoying Brittany Spears voice*
"Polite" thoughts that spring to my mind......"Good for you!"
Why? Because I firmly believe that you have to measure your worth by what you see in the mirror and by the quality of your thoughts and actions. NOT and I scream that first word, NOT in another person, which is the most common mistake of us women.
Waiting for a man to define you into your ideal woman is lost chatter! Yes! I said it! It is talk that only lost and failed women mutter!
Let us get this straight! Your parents begin the job of defining you as the future person you will one day grow into.
Self completion starts and end from within
When you get with a man, THE MAN, your job changes and now the only people you are trying to define is the children you will one day have together. Because you are now fully fledged and whole within yourself enough to enter a life partnership with another human being, the only thing to do now is to bring definition to a new generation. Men have their own worries to worry about without taking on an incomplete woman that expects them to complete her! They are trying to find completion themselves without you sitting there snivelling in "lost and unloved person" lingo.
If you cannot even OWN your own happiness, your success, your fulfilment, your experiences, you goals, your passion, then please... enlighten me.....what or how exactly are you going to teach your children as a mother?
Learn to be a Queen before you meet your King. Why?! Because once you meet your King, the next step is start training princesses and princes!
Kings and Queens understand each other because they are speaking that Royal talk. If you find yourself speaking to alot of frogs... Guess what!? You are probably speaking "Frogelese!" *Frog noise*
Waiting for a man to complete you is lost! What happens when he happens to pick up and leave? Are you going to become half again? Doomed to an existence of incompletion? Do you become the “no so better” edition of yourself again?
In my judgment, this is why we have so many messed up people in our society. People who have been nurtured by incomplete minded individuals who failed to pass on one of the fundamental lessons of life.
Learn to be complete within yourself.
If you are still seeking completion of your life, you have no business entering another persons’ life and definitely not beginning a life! Your self incompletion breeds insecurity, uncertainty and damage. Thus you will use others as an emotional and spiritual crutch. And the minute your happiness orbits around another other than yourself and God, life will be very detrimental for you.
I cannot personally tell you how to go about completing yourself but I can tell you how I am coming to terms with this lesson.
Embrace solitude
You probably hear people saying this all the time and assume it is really straightforward to do. In actual fact, it is not because as people we are societal creatures. It is hard to pull yourself out of this especially when you enjoy it so much. And even when you do manage it, you can be inclined to latch onto the first person you correspond with at long lengths of time. If you can't enjoy your own company, don't expect anyone else to either! Being able to take pleasure in your own company is so undervalued and yet so imperative. It is said that the loudest and most revelling revelations are heard only in silence. Plus knowing how to be independent is never a bad thing.
Meditate and Pray
With an increased time away from distractions, you will now be in a perfect position to look inwardly and upwards for answers and peace. Taking a short time each day to analyse how you react to daily situations can cause an immense shift in your stance of life. With that you can look back at the most pivotal experiences in your past and seek ways in how your life has been improved by certain experiences that otherwise scarred you emotionally. Through this and if you prefer prayer, inner peace is sure to follow. With that said future experiences can be handled with a better grip of reality and oneself.
Claim joy and love
Find what you enjoy do it! Discover what makes you happiest and surround yourself with it. I don’t mean buy out Dominoes on "Buy two for one Tuesday" and binge eat because you will be crying when the weight piles on and you can’t fit into them favourite jeans of yours. (I know this feeling too well! Don’t do it!) Decide your own goals and achieve them!
Sign up at the gym and get your healthy sexy on! Why wait for summer to look and feel good? Do it solely for you. Take more care with how you dress up each day. Even if it is to slouch around the house, pick out decent attire. Allow yourself to feel pretty whether or not you will be seen. I suggest keeping out your “crap” clothes to a minimum. “Crap things breed crap feelings”.
If you don’t feel beautiful enough without make-up on, try to wear one less product with each week. I swear, it is rejuvenating feeling good without all that pack on your face each day. Why wait for someone to tell you, that you are beautiful? Don't you have a mouth? Find a damn mirror and sort your self esteem out.
Literally do anything that makes you happy, not just momentarily but on a long term basis as well. Smother yourself with self love! (I kiss myself on the shoulder each morning) *Kanye shrug*
Educate your mind
Boredom breeds nothing positive so busy yourself positively. Read, read, read and read some more. Read novels, read self help books, watch more educational documentaries and less movies, read your Bible or Quran or whatever Holy book you are into. If you don’t like reading, listen to self help audios. I personally love learning something new everyday. Learn to play Chess, learn a language, or even pick up a hobby. If you haven’t got a hobby, your life is simply deprived.
Cherish your valuables
Obviously the first that you will do, if you are in a faith, is to draw closer to your Deity. A good rapport with your Deity will always keep you on a happy track. Next it is you. Cherish all of you, your time, your presence and your mind. Give less thought, attention and time to "things" unworthy. Finally your loved ones. Cherish those you love and those who love you. Friends, family and so on. Let go of people who don’t really add to your life and pour all that extra love into the few people that do. By understanding people’s energy you will have a sharper sense of who and what energy you welcome into your life.
Have love in order to show love and in turn receive love.
Most of life’s joy can be found in the good you do for others and the selfless love you are able to show.
This is my personal list so it may not work for you and you may not even agree to it. You are entitled to that opinion however worthless it is to me personally. It is a long process and it be.... difficult however everyone will one day benefit from it. Alas, I may not be a Queen as such yet but I am definitely a Princess in training! One day, shortly after meeting my King, I will begin my journey of training young princes and princesses. Not as a "senior" princess but as a Queen, complete from within.
Peace, love and watermelons seeds
P.s. This is not the rant of an angry feminist. I like guys!!! ALOT!!!
This blog APPLIES to men as well!
This blog APPLIES to men as well!
and I bought some watermelon today! :-D
I love this Ghene...its realy a tru fact we need to look at n take in inlife....very wel put young lady :-) xx