Saturday, 23 April 2011

A Journey 7- By Godzeal Nwanyanawu

The next morning Donna was at the police station bright and early.she still looked gorgeous even without makeup.wearing matching track suit and shoes,her hair pulled back exposing lovely neckline......
Look am sure nothing wrong has happened the officer she met at the counter was saying and you can't confirm that either.
The guys that came to my house last night said i could make a formal report in the morning. Yes miss you can in 24hours and it ain't 24hours yet.
i don't care i need for you guys to go look for my boyfriend,her voice was shaky and loud which made heads turn.
from behind his desk Sgt Osho and Smith looked to see who the lady was. Its the actress lady from last night Smith observed
yeah it is,damm i wish i could get some of that Femi Osho chipped in
i noticed you staring at her boobs last night
No i wasn't.was just you know,just........
yeah right.whatever shes got eyes that could stop a guys heart Smith added
you got that right........
Hey Owen called out Femi,send the lady over
she was already on the move before Owen could open his mouth
You guys said i could make a formal report today
24hrs miss,i remember saying 24hrs miss Wright.
if u guy won't do anything about the situation am gonna have to ask to see your superior.
whats the problem here?a voice said from behind her said making her start.
no problems inspector just routine said Lanre.
so WHY is the young lady's voice heard all over the station?
um.....she was just making an entry
Donna turned,looking into the face of Detective Adam Greene.6ft 3,brown eyes,broad shoulders,exercised regularly and as fit as a bull.
her gaze lingered a little longer than necessary.....
Hello miss am Detective Adam Greene,would you so kid to come with me..
guiding her into his simple office....please have a seat
thank you she said.
Would a soda we've got great doughnuts?he said smiling. would be cream or milk 2 sugars
Okie dokie,picking up the phone he asked for 2 cups of coffee.
So miss what seems to be the problem?he asked her.
she then went on giving him an account of what happened the night before
Greene took notes only interrupting when necessary.
after about 35minutes of questioning he was satisfied.
Then he the asked for a complete description of Henry.
Which she gave adequately
Alright miss Wright am gonna send some people down your house to gather some evidence. Don't worry we shall find him he added with a friendly smile.
Thank you.
As Donna got up to leave............excuse me miss Wright,i hope you wont mind giving us a picture?
she turned,looked him straight in the eye....i...i.... don't have a picture.
But i thought you said he was your boyfriend?
I thought you guys lived together?
so how come u ain't got a picture?
because he doesn't like taking photos.

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