Sunday, 1 May 2011

A Journey 9- By Godzeal Nwanyanawu

Back at the police station.Detective Adam Greene was trying to piece together the information he gathered from miss Wright's house.
This doesn't make any sense he thought.How could she have a boy friend she knows nothing about?
By the time Greene got to the lady's residence Osho & Smith had gone through her bed room looking for the wallet that wasn't there.He now called in more people to come lend a hand.The forensic guy had dusted the place for finger prints,they had taking samples of soil left by the boot,sample of soil from the garden were also taking from around the premises.
Greene had also sent some people to go check out the area where Donna said he worked.But still he had a gut feeling that something was wrong somewhere.
Look miss you still have to come in for more questioning.
Why?i already told you all i know and besides i have to be at work today,and am already late.Pete will blow his top if i don't show in the next hour.
Who's Pete?
Peter Sloan,he's my director we all call him Pete.
Oh yeah.Heard of the guy.Won an Oscar for some low budget movie a couple of years back didn't he?Greene asked
PAST MIDNIGHT,that was the movie.He actually thought it was a joke when he was told the movie was nominated.
Okay miss Wright you can go to your shoot but......
Please call me Donna she interrupted,the miss Wright makes me feel old,she interjected with a smirk
Okay.Donna.You can go to your movie shoot but i'll have to insist you come by tomorrow for more questioning.Is that okay?
Yes Detective.Thank you very much.
Greene,sitting in his not so comfortable office chair smoking king size Marlboro's was lost in thought.
It just doesn't make sense.His thoughts were cut short by the phone.
Yeah,Greene here.
Smith & Osho just got back from scouting the industrial area
Good send them straight to my office.he dropped the phone.They had been gone for 6 hours,Greene looked at his watch 8:25pm
Osho walked in first.
So what the news?Greene asked before he could make it through the door
Well nothing much,just that of all 8 companies in that area,2 have been abandoned for at least 4 years,2 employ only women,an 1 is still under construction.
Really?i didn't know that.well that narrows the search to 3 doesn't it?
Yep,so we talked to the head of operations in all three and guess what?two had people by the name Henry working for them.
Interesting,by now Greene was taking long but steady drags off is cigarettes.So did you ask to see them?
Just then Smith walked in.
Yes we did Osho was Henry Fields,5ft11,black hair with a touch of gray on the side,two gold teeth,weighs between 195 to 210lbs,and he's 58 years old.
And lost an eye 15months ago.Domestic incident Smith added
That doesn't fit the description miss Wright gave us.And the other guy?
Well,Smith started.Henry Flint,32yrs old,6ft2,brown eyes,black hair,broad chest.Loved alcohol as much as he loved football.The Foreman said he was a Barcelona fan.
So thats the guy,Greene was smiling.Did u get a chance to speak with him?
No,we didn't
Why?this miss Wright is just using up police time and manpower and you guys couldn't even speak to the guy? Wasn't he at work today?
No he wasn't.Hasn't been to work for 3years.
And whats that suppose to mean?he hasn't been to work for 3yrs?
Because he's dead.

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